Friday, October 29, 2010

dialoge and scene


imagine your on a bus in down town new york. normal bus lots of people krappy seats. and in the middle of this bus there seems to be an arguement between a young black man and an old white about who is gonna shine the other guys shoes. when the old white guy says ( it could be a china man it dont matter).

 Characters :
black guy = Cleetis the hillbilly who talks in a ridiculous accent
Old white Guy= Marvin; the racist old coot that likes to steal peoples Rides


 Cleetis: Yo FoO i Aints shyin yos Shos
 Marvin: doesnt matter anymore any way i already sold yo ride
Cleetis: Yous souls Ma RiGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
Marvin: yep i got three dollas suckka
 Cleetis: ima Punch Yos ElbOws FooooOOO !!!!!
Marvin: ya right you dont have it in you to punch an all man now shine My shoes
 Cleetis:Hiya FoooOOOooOoOo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
marvin: OWWWW!!! you punched my elbows 
 Cleetis: Ya Nows whas Grampow
marvin: ill teach you whipper snapper
 Cleetis:Brin IT Ons ol man

 Shortly after this dialoge Cleetis was hospitalized with massive head trauma


  1. Ha ha ha. He stole his ride and only got three dollars?

  2. action: wants his righ
    conflict: marvin sold it
    event: marvin kicks the crap out a cleetus
